Sat May 18, 2024


by Danny Sathyadass

Dear Radiance,

 It’s been six years since we began, and many of you have been there right from the start. We’ve been underground, getting deep which was absolutely essential.  We have prayed, planned and prepared ourselves. YES, the foundations have been laid

 We have got a framework and we have got the blue print of how we need to move forward. This past year we were able work together in chalking out plans for the next five years or so. We‘ve also gained some insight and experiences as we experimented and tried out various means by which we can function as the church for example our skype meetings. It’s about time we go to the next phase of building GOD’s HOUSE.


The people of Jerusalem had laid the foundations on their return from the exile, but various factors stopped the work and people got preoccupied with their own homes and lives. The people kept saying ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the LORD’s house.’ (Haggai 1:2) This went on for 16 long years and the temple was still at the foundation stage, while their own homes were not only built but they were also decorated and well furnished. The Lord through Haggai the prophet questions their excuses “Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your panelled houses, while this house remains a ruin?”  5 Now this is what the LORD Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.(Haggai 1:4,5)

Radiance IT’S NOW or NEVER... we‘ll always find something or the other which will replace the important task of building his kingdom. Today it may be work pressures, tomorrow it may mean the spouse, a little later on it could be the baby and then it could the construction of your house, the list of urgent matters will never end.  We cannot afford to go on saying ‘it’s not time yet’.

There’s work to be done NOW. We need to be investing our lives in people, NOW.  The people of God are the CHURCH. Christ is the capstone, the Chief cornerstone, we are the living stones. Have you seen some decorative walls made with rocks, each of them having a unique shape and texture and at times varying colours as well? That’s how we are fitted as living stones with a unique SHAPE aligned to the Corner Stone-Jesus Christ. We have a responsibility for one another. We have a S.H.A.P.E. to fill, in the House of God. S.H.A.P.E. stands for  S- Spiritual Gifts; H- heart or passion to accomplish a specific task; A- Abilities; P- Personality that is unique; E – Experiences.

Let’s ‘Give careful thought to our ways’ and fill our God given S.H.A. P.E. It’s now or never

Here’s a word of caution, if we don’t do the work of God.  Sure God’s house will be in ruins, but let’s remember that God is not going to let HIS house be in ruins forever. Remember Jesus said ‘I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it’ (Matt16:18). Christ will build and complete his house anyhow. If we don’t align ourselves and fit in we are the ones who’ll be the ones to lose. We will miss the fullness of life and His presence that he has promised.

So  what’s stopping us? Let’s get talking with God the Chief architect, let’s get our job description and start right away. BEGIN NOW it’s NOW or NEVER!

With Much prayers,


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